The racist thugs who are Andrea Leadsom’s fox hunting friends

It’s about time they and their outmoded ‘sport’ read pleasure pursuit died out for good. They are clinging to a relic of the Victorian days and seem to think they are living in the dark ages where the rich could hunt and do as they wished and the plebs had to stand by and bow to them.

Blood sports such as fox hunting are absolutely reprehensible and abhorrent. It is well known that people who enjoy such pursuits are psychologically unstable. Animal torture and enjoying the pain of defenseless creatures is one of the indicators of a cruel, self centred psychopath.

I notice fox hunter’s blogs never ever publish the publicly available information about fox hunter’s who have been jailed for rape, sexual assault, pedophilia etc. Only people who are sick in the head and who like harming people like that and in similar manners would enjoy watching live animals being ripped to shreds by hounds