Pegasus in watercolour and pastel pencils

Shared from Instagram. View the whole post there.

This is another version of my Pegasus painting. I’m doing this one in pencils pastel and watercolour pencils. My Pegasus painting is being done at a painting class I attend once a week and can be seen in images 3 and 4. The painting is being done in water soluble oil paints. #pegasus

Scottish folklore Cù-sìth (faerie dog)

T-SHIRT LINK:… The Cu Sith is a mostly malevolent faerie, it commonly takes the form of a giant spectral dog and can be found in the highlands of Scotland, preferring to live in the dense forests and make its lair in caves and rocky outcrops. It is said to be the size of a large cow or bull and is coated in deep dark green fur. Some of these beasts have long tails which they coil over their backs, while others have a flat braded tail. Many of the stories tell that the faerie dog has glowing yellow eyes which can be seen in the darkness as it stocks its prey. There are very few if any creatures that invoke more terror that the cu Sith, for it is said to feast on human souls. Its cousin the devious cat Sith will steal a human soul if the body is left unattended, but the Cu Sith is far more aggressive and ferocious, it would actively hunt its prey. Although mostly silent, the beast would sometimes let out 3 hideous howls. These gargantuan barks could be heard for miles around and if you were ever to hear one, then run with all the speed you can muster, for you must get to safety, before the 3rd bark is heard, or your soul is fair game. Some accounts say that after the 3rd bark the Cu Sith would hunt down the unfortunate highlander and tear the very soul from his body. Others say that the 3rd bark its self would cause so much fear and terror, that upon hearing it the victim would die from sheer horror alone. The cu Sith on most occasions would take the souls of its victims to the faerie realm and there the soul would be trapped forever. But if the victim was a nursing mother, she would be brought to the faerie hill alive and forced to provide milk for the old gods the Daoine Sith.

Pegasus progress

Shared from my Art Station page a Pegasus I am painting in water soluble oil paints. I paint this once a week at a painting class I go to. This week I was painting the tail. This is the first time that I have tried to paint a tail. I have never tried to paint fur, manes, tails or hair before so this will be a learning experience for me. The source image I am painting this Pegasus from can be seen in my photos. I don’t know who the artist is though.

I need to slim the tail down some more and paint some more details into the feathers and mane as well as the tail
I have been trying to paint more detail into the tail this week. This was it before I began trying to make the tail look more like hair.
The tail before I started painting it some more. I need to alter the back legs. The outer leg is too short and the proportions of the inside hind leg are slightly off.
The source image I am using to paint my painting can be seen in this photo.

A fox in nature

Stages in creating this piece. I am working on this project at an art project place called Urban Green Spaces which focuses on saving green spaces and wildlife. We are doing projects centred around wildlife and how we live alongside it and interact with it. I have chosen to do a fox peering at us through foliage as these beautiful creatures frequently live alongside us and are successful at urban living.