What daily habit improves my quality of life?

What daily habit do you do that improves your quality of life?

It’s probably reading. I have chronic depression and anxiety and I unfortunately do not have any daily habits or strategies to manage it effectively apart from reading. I also try to keep my house relatively tidy and clutter free because clutter and mess make my depression worse. I try to draw as well because that forces my mind away from the depression and anxious thoughts. I have cleared my spare room and want to use it for drawing and painting and perhaps yoga at some point if I get a yoga mat. I also want to start going swimming again. I like swimming and I think that would help to improve my mental health to.

I completely forgot about this one when I wrote this post but one daily habit that definitely improves my mental well being and exercises my mind is learning foreign languages on Mondly, Duolingo and Memrise. I take french and Romanian lessons on Duolingo, French and German lessons on Memrise and French, Romanian and German lessons on Mondly. This habit definitely improves my life and stops me sitting around procrastinating with the depression which frequently happens.

What did I last search online?

What was the last thing you searched for online? Why were you looking for it?

It was a blouse I was selling and have now sold. The buyer requested a photo of it being worn so I tried to find an online image for her. I can no longer fit into the top so I couldn’t take photos of myself wearing it. For that reason I looked for online images of a model wearing it.

Which TV shows did I watch as a child?

What TV shows did you watch as a kid?

Luckily I grew up during the eighties so I watched good kids TV shows. I know I liked Button Moon, Basil Fox and Willow the Wisp. During the eighties I loved Trap Door, Danger Mouse, Count Duckula, He Man, She Ra, Transformers, The Worst Witch, Dungeons, Art Attack and Dragons. I remember watching a cartoon called The Get Along Gang as well and a weekend kids TV show with a bloke with a bad mullet.

The last thing I got excited about?

Tell us about the last thing you got excited about.

I’m really not sure but it was probably having the honour of being able to see my nephews whilst their mam was on holiday in in Spain. I met their dad my brother twice over that weekend and got to spend extra time with them.

Or it may have been new books. I am a true book lover and bookworm. I discovered some very good books in The Works store which sells discounted books, games, childrens toys and games and arts and crafts supplies if you aren’t English including Holly Jackson’s A Good Girls Guide To Murder tribology of books and Leigh Bardugo’s Grishaverse books which were very good. And I was happy to be able to obtain some Kreepsville 666 and Sourpuss clothing in the UK. They are both American brands and they are very expensive to import into the UK so I love finding them in my country. And I am always excited about Halloween and Halloween stuff. I love it.

How would I design cities of the future?

How would you design the city of the future?

I would make them harmonious with nature. I would design cities so that nature and man lived side by so that we shared the planet instead of man selfishly taking over everywhere. Man thinks he has the right to destroy the planet and our wild green spaces and to murder animals simply for living upon land that we wish to build upon or for supposedly being inconvenient to us. In truth we have no such right. The planet is the home of animals and wildlife to and we share our planet with them. We don’t own our planet. We live on borrowed time here. Our planet is the only one discovered in our solar system so far that can support and sustain live. The planet nutures us and provides us with food and natural medicines and all kinds of beautiful places to visit. We have no right to destroy our home. So I would design cities that were green, where animals were our friends and neighbours with birds outside of our windows and hedgehog roads and stuff like that. Nature is wonderful and we all should have the honour of observing it from our homes.

Where does my name come from?

Where did your name come from?

Well as you might have guessed from my WordPress blogs name my first name is Nicola. I was nicknamed Nickachu because of the Pokémon Pickachu. My friends simply changed the P in Pickachu to an N. My dad picked my name for me. My name is Greek. It comes from the Greek male name Nicolas. When the name was picked up in Europe it became a female name also with the feminine forms of the name being Nicola, Nicole, Nicolette or Nicolletta. As far as I know in Greece the name Nicolas had no feminine version and was never intended to be a woman’s name. European countries mistakenly thought Nicolas could also be a girl’s name and thus the female versions of Nicolas arose. My name means victory people or victory of the people.

What motivates me?

What motivates you?

Unfortunately I am terrible at being motivated. I have low motivation. I am always procrastinating and putting stuff off. I really struggle to motivate myself and to get things done that I want to do like paintings and drawings. I always seem to end up wasting my time online and on YouTube watch videos instead of setting time aside to do these things after I’ve completed other stuff and done things I need to do.