Why did the Anglo-Saxons migrate to England?

Why did the Germanic tribes of the Angles, Jutes and Saxons who were later known as the Angles and the Saxons migrate to England? There are various theories. Some say they were invited to England by the Britons after Rome withdrew from the country to help fight off the marauding tribes of the Gauls (erroneously called Celts now by historians. No Celts ever lived in England. The tribes living in England when Rome invaded where Gaulish) and Picts who began invading England without Roman interference. Other evidence supported by burial sites suggests that the Germanic tribes came to England as family groups perhaps looking for better and easier farming lands to live upon:

DNA reveals the Vikings never left Scotland

This is a little reel by the BBC. Being half Scottish on my fathers side of the family with a Scottish great grandmother I was interested in this. My surname which is my fathers surname is Scottish and it’s also a Picts word. My mothers maiden surname is an Anglo-Saxon name. Her grandmother my great grandm was Scottish. I have always been interested in Scottish history, folklore and legends.

My favourite animal?

What is your favorite animal?

Oh my goodness how could I pick just one animal as my favourite? I’m an animal lover and I love so many animals.

OK I’m a cat mother so first I am going to have say cats otherwise this particular cat servant will never be forgiven. I love horses. They are one of my absolute favourite animals horses and ponies. I also like deer, rabbits, foxes, badgers, bats I love bats, many different birds but especially owls, penguins, meerkats, bears, hares, large cats such as lions, leopards, jaguars, cougars, cheetahs, tigers, lynxes, bobcats, Scottish wildcats, gorilla’s, snakes, lizards, dolphins I love dolphins, dogs I do like dogs although I’m allergic to their fur unless they are bred for people with allergies like me. Some of my favourite dogs are huskies, dobermans and Wiemanarers.

This list could go on and on.

So my absolute favourite animals if I had to narrow the list down are cats, horses, owls, bats, foxes and dolphins.