What gives me energy?

What things give you energy?

Chocolate and tea. I am dairy and lactose intolerant so I have vegan chocolate. I love tea. I’m not a fan of coffee. I can drink lots of tea though. Music gives me energy. I like eighties music as I grew up during the eighties and I dance around to it whilst I’m doing housework although other music gives me energy like Rammstein for example. I have depression so I tend to suffer from a lack of motivation and energy but once I get up and get moving I feel more energetic. Horses give me energy as well as I love them and working around them.

My favourite foods?

What are your favorite types of foods?

Unfortunately they are stuff that’s bad for me usually like chocolate and ice cream. I tend to like starchy stuff like croissants, croissants filled with vegan chocolate, pan au chocolat, sweet waffles with chocolate, crumpets and muffins both the toastable ones and the sweet ones, sweet pancakes, ice cream although I love ice cream with fruit and I like apple pie and cherry pie. I also like stuff lik lasagne, home made soup, spaghetti bolognese, homemade soup, vegetarian chicken bakes and vegetarian chicken and bacon bakes,vegetarian chicken, bacon and leek bakes. I also love fruit particularly blueberries, strawberries, grapes, bananas and apples. I like watermelons as well but I don’t eat them as often.

Unfortunately I tend to like sweet sugary foods that cause me to gain weight and I’m trying to lose 21 pounds in weight that I have gained

How often do I walk or run?

How often do you walk or run?

I don’t run at all unless I’m running to catch a bus. I can’t run at all because of my hip and knees. I get inflammation in my knee joints if I try to run and I get a lot of pain and stiffness in my left hip so I can’t run or jog. I walk quite frequently though. I’m ok as long as I pace myself. However if I walk a lot my hip becomes very painful and I end up having to rest a lot at home afterwards. I would like to start swimming again as I can exercise that way without putting stress on my joints or muscles.

Animal paintings

On the left is my just begun painting of Chloe one of my cats. On the right is my almost finished snake painting. Once the paint is fully dry I will paint the shadows underneath the animals chin and in it’s coils in with glazes. The shadows can be seen in the source image I am painting my snake from.


My just begun painting of Chloe one of my cats